An unpublished 1/3 Dinar of Mughith al-Din Mahmud II
Los 3546
ISLAMIC, Seljuks. Western Iran. Mughith al-Din Mahmud II, AH 511-525 / AD 1118-1131. 1/3 Dinar (Gold, 20 mm, 1.44 g, 9 h), citing Mughith al-Din, the governor Inanj Yabghu Zangi and the Great Seljuq overlord Sanjar (AH 511-552 / AD 1118-1157), date illegible. Within a dotted circle, ‘[lā ilāha illā] Allāh / al-sulṭān al-aʿẓam / [Mu]ʿizz al-Dunyā wa al-D/īn malik al-islām / Sanjar’ (‘There is no deity but Allah. The supreme sultan Muʿizz al-Dunya wa al-Din, King of Islam, Sanjar’ in Arabic); in the left field, citing governor Inanj Yabghu Zangi, ‘Yabghū’ (‘Yabghu’ in Arabic); illegible mint and date formula around. Rev. Within a dotted circle, citing the ʿAbbasid caliph al-Mustarshid billah (AH 512-529 / AD 1118-1135), ‘[Muḥa]mmad rasūl [Allāh] / al-Mustarshid billāh / al-sulṭān al-muʿaẓẓam / Mughīth al-Dunyā wa al-D[īn] / Abu’l-Qāsim’ (‘Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. al-Mustarshid billah. The great sultan, Mughith al-Dunya wa al-Din Abu’l-Qasim’ in Arabic); illegible word in the right field; illegible marginal legend. Cf. Album 1688 (for dinar). Apparently unpublished and unique in this denomination. Struck slightly off-center and with some areas of weakness, otherwise, very fine.

From the collection of a Swiss scholar, formed over the past thirty years.
100 CHF
600 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 15-Jul-24, 21:33:30 CEST
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